December 15

Rockhills Christmas Collective // Megan Sendejo

One of my favorite Christmas traditions:

My kids are grown now, but when they were little, and through the teen years even, we had a Christmas morning tradition. Before any presents were opened, I sat them down and asked one of them (by volunteer) to open up the single gift that lay on the floor in front of all the other presents (some years there were many and other years, not so much). I asked them, "What is the greatest gift you will EVER receive?" As little ones, they learned the answer was, "Jesus," and listened to my brief, age-appropriate explanation of why He is the greatest gift (while learning some serious delayed gratification skills at the same time). As they got older, they could tell me why He is the greatest gift. As adults, they know that Christmas is about Emmanuel, Christ with us. It's about the God of creation coming to be with us and then making the way for us to be with Him. That should be in upper case bold letters! He overcame our major sin problem and overcame death. "Thank you Jesus" doesn't feel like enough....but it is....when we profess it and believe it with our hearts.

Merry Christmas sisters and brothers!

(If you would like to share some Christmas cheer, memories, encouragement, devotion, recipes, etc... with the Rockhills community, please email your entry to