Chapter Four

We have arrived at the last week of the study on the book of Colossians. This epistle to the church at Colossae church trying to figure out how to be the church. Today, Pastor Adam looked at some Scripture at the end of Colossians 3 that can be considered controversial. Then he moved over to chapter 4 to slide this series out. The church today is still working on figuring out how to be the church. And even though we are not in the first century, God’s Word still holds true. Let’s look at some common ground between then and now. These were families, spouses, parents, employees, and bosses really trying to live for Christ. Not only in their homes but also in their gatherings. The Church provides a place where it is “easy” to say amen and be “spiritual”. But at home and at work? Families are God’s design. Whether good or hard, our family of origin will significantly influence our life as we create our own family (or, for singles, the life you live out). Paul will make it clear that our family will be a “sermon” to those around us. Colossians 3 gives some family framework that some could look at as controversial. Keep an open mind and heart as we look at this week's Scripture. 

INVITATION: As we look at the end of Colossians and the family framework that Paul is explaining, may we approach it with an open heart and mind. And then, as Paul wraps up Colossians with an encouragement for prayer and some final instructions, may we approach the Scripture prayerfully, asking God what He wants to speak to our hearts. What does He want us to understand differently or see for the first time? Carry these two questions with you throughout this week: Do others see Christ when they see us or our families? Do our closest relationships reflect what we believe about God?

MONDAY: Colossians 3:18-19 Right out of the gate, we read Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord? Many Americans don’t really care for the word “Submit”. Why is that? If it bothers you, what about it rubs you the wrong way? Adam shared the context in which the verse was written-Mediterranean world/Roman culture/First Century-this was normal. Family structure-respect to the husband was a given. Pastor Adam went on to share that, considering the times, verse 19 would have been the trigger, as leadership at that time was very domineering, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.” Paul is giving a bold charge here to those who have encountered Christ, husbands love your wives. Based solely on the love of Christ, not what she may or may not deserve. And concerning the wife submitting, it is not based on what is deserved or earned, but about serving each other, the way we serve Christ. If you are married, where do you stand in light of these two verses? Are you serving each other out of a place of trust and respect for one another? Is your relationship really reflecting what you believe about God?

TUESDAY: Colossians 3:20-21 Paul doesn’t just challenge us in our marriages, but also in our parenting. Verses 20-21 “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 21) Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” God cares about our families. He cares about our relationships with each other. Parenting is hard and although Paul is saying that children need to obey, he is also instructing parents not to nag and discourage children. If you are a parent, how is your relationship with your child(ren)? Does it reflect what you believe about God? Is there room for improvement? Invite the Lord to speak to you and show you what steps to take in this relationship.

WEDNESDAY: Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24)since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward, It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” This is the real bottom line! In whatever you are doing, are you ultimately doing it as unto the Lord? The way you show up in your marriage? Your Parenting? At work? With your friends? At church? 

THURSDAY: Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Making regular time for prayer is really essential in being able to live out what we know and believe to be true. Are you making regular time to pray? It is also vital that we are aware of the lies and deception from the enemy. Are you being watchful and mindful of the areas that the enemy is trying to lie to you about? Lastly, are you taking time to be thankful? Remembering what the Lord has done for you is a vital part of this as well. 

FRIDAY: Colossians 4:3-6 In this set of verses, Paul is really instructing about how to love and serve and act toward others beyond ourselves. How are we lifting others up in our family, community, and church? Are we being wise in the way we act toward others who may be different from us? Are we speaking in a way that shows kindness and consideration for others? 

SATURDAY: Colossians 4:7-18 And to close out chapter 4 and the book of Colossians, Paul lists out some names. Pastor Adam suggested it’s like the credits at the end of a movie. He is sharing about others who have used their gifts and opportunities to demonstrate Christ. Pastor Adam put them in three categories:

Ambassadors-people who invite others to be part-Tychicus, Onesimus, and Aristarchus. These three faced great persecution. What might be our excuse to not be an ambassador for Christ? How can we overcome that?

Advocate-people who champion the mission-Luke and Mark (also known as John Mark)-traveled with Paul. Paul's first missionary trip with John Mark and Barnabas had a rocky point when John Mark left. Some time later Barnabus wants to revisit some of the churches they had been to and suggests Jon Mark join them. Paul opposes, and Barnabus stands up for John Mark. And he reminded Paul (the guy that used to be Saul and persecuted Christians) that he had stood up for him too and they were all serving the same mission. A little side note, very late in Paul’s own life he writes a letter to Timothy to bring John Mark saying that he is valuable to him. Things get messy sometimes, but grace won.

Host-people who opened their home for the church-Epaphras, once the church outgrew that home, then a woman named Nympha opened hers. Then Archippus.

Which one are you? Ambassador?  Advocate? Host? A combo? Take some time to consider if there is more you could do or if you need to do something different? What do you feel God laying on your heart?