Chapter Three

The book of Colossians was written by Paul to the people of  the Church of Colossae. For purposes of a short review, Chapter One was all about Jesus is greater and is all you need. Chapter two addressed the church and warned them about getting duped. Christ plus NOTHING.  Christ minus NOTHING. It's easy even in the modern church to get duped by the belief we will be an even greater Christian if we believe in Christ AND do something extra. Extra deeds or rules or experiences can make us feel better about ourselves or make us think we are somehow better Christians or "more" spiritual.  Such things are all about US needing to feel better about ourselves  It has nothing to do with Christ. 

Chapter three is all about how to live out our faith. The church saw itself as a part of a mission. It had a purpose, and it was not just to check off a box for what "should" be done on a Sunday. Each person in the church has a role to play.  This is true for the Church today. This is true for Rockhills Church.

INVITATION:  The key verse this week is emphasized on the first devotional of this week (3:17).  Take it with you into each day for the entire week. Ask God what He may want you to see, do or know about it. Keep in mind that worship is ALL of life.  It is not just related to music or prayer, which are some common references to "worship."  Your life is worship.  ALL of your life is worship.  How might that affect your days, your minutes and your hours this week?  Consider beginning each day this week with a prayer of surrender. Our culture does not like that word (surrender), but it is actually full of power and courage.  How can you surrender to God each day and ask Him to use you? THAT is full of power and courage.  It is also full of faith and trust.  One of the slogans in recovery work is "let go and let God."  That is surrender. It leads to freedom.

MONDAY:  Col. 3:17.  What does it look like to submit - and worship - God in whatever you think and whatever you do today?  How can you pray specifically for the work and relationships that you will be about today?  How might you bring God into things that pop up that weren't planned ahead of time? 

TUESDAY:  Col. 3:16-17:  These verses cover the Jewish perspective regarding following God. It deals with mostly how you dress and what you eat.  Rules. Legalism. Such things trying to control and force good behavior can conceal a bad heart. They only make people feel powerful and good about themselves if they manage to behave correctly and follow all the rules.  The "right" rules do not make you righteous. What rules might be in place in your life that are not actually part of your heart belief? What might it look like and sound like to get honest about that with God? Do you feel safe about that kind of prayer, or are you somehow counting on good behavior to make you feel safe with God?

WEDNESDAY:  Col. 3:1-4:  These verses say to "set your heart on things above."  What is your heart set on today? How might you pray to make Jesus your perspective today - and every day?  Is that a desire in your life?  If not, how might you and God talk about that today?  Many people find the prayer "I believe, help me in my unbelief" (Mark 9:24)  to be helpful as they seek to give their heart more over to Jesus on a daily basis. 

THURSDAY:  Col. 3:5-6:  Do you search your heart regularly for what might be destroying you from the inside out?  Psalm 139 might be a good prayer:  "search me and know my heart...."  Are you willing to pray such a prayer?  Are you willing to listen to the answers?

FRIDAY: Col. 3:7:  You are different because of Christ. Pastor Adam mentioned REACTIVE behaviors that not only hurt us, but also hurt others.  Are you growing in maturity with the Lord and learning to control reactive behaviors in your life?  Can you trust Jesus with results and not rely on what you believe your reactions - however justified - might do? 

SATURDAY:  Col. 3:12-14:  Forgive as Christ has forgiven you. This is a stewardship issue. What does it feel like to consider this part of your "giving" to Christ?