Chapter Two

Sometimes we fool ourselves, believing it is more difficult to live today than two thousand years ago. However, the Christians of the first century faced equal or greater challenges to their faith journey. The apostle Paul seeks to etch deeply into our hearts the truth that meaning and purpose do not come through any exclusive knowledge or superior spirituality. Rather they are firmly established in the life of Jesus Christ, in whom God was pleased to dwell with all HIs divine fullness. Paul understood the serious crisis before his readers and sought to weave these words into a fabric of practical guidance that helped their hearts seek and focus on God.   Pastor Adam likened used this example: if you could give your eighteen year old self some advice, what would you say?  This is similar to Pauls plea to the church in Colossae.

INVITATION:  Paul's radical transformation after meeting Jesus gave his life and entirely new purpose. Being a Christian was not just a cultural thing, or a box to check off. It was his entire WHY.  Have you identified the WHY in your life? 

MONDAY:  Col. 2:1-3:  Your purpose and "why" in life is much bigger than your job, your degree, your kids, your friends, or any other role. You can live in multiple roles and do them well, yet not have purpose.  All these roles may be good, but God desires for you to have "full riches of complete understanding" in life.  Do you let Jesus Christ pour into your life  and become your "why" and your purpose or are you letting the things of the world and our culture choke that out?  If you are feeling discouraged and "blah" about life and meaning, how might you pray today?  Even if you are not feeling that way, are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit about how you might make Christ more your "why?"   What things might you need to let go of to make that a possibility?  What about things you might need to embrace?

TUESDAY:  I Corinthians 10:31 & Matthew 16:24-26:  The reason we were created is to bring glory to God. Regardless of your family, wealth, status, education, temperament....or anything else, you have been created with this purpose. Thomas Merton is usually credited with this quote:  "People may spend their entire lives climbing the ladder of success, only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall."  God invites you to live into the you HE created you to be. That will be your most fulfilling life. He doesn't expect you to be anyone else.  Today, consider approaching God about your "why", your purpose. How it might look to live into the you He created you to be?  What might God be inviting you to see, do or know in this regard or in these Scriptures?

WEDNESDAY:  Colossians 2:6-7:  These verses are in invitation to live your life with Christ on a day in and day out basis--whatever you do, wherever you are, no matter what has happened or is about to happen.  Recognize and acknowledge God in your everyday situations.  Your relationships, your job, your eating, your sleeping.  What you truly believe gives birth to your behavior. Is your behavior reflecting Jesus Christ?  There is a saying that is powerful in this regard: 

Thoughts become actions.

Actions become habits.

Habits become a lifestyle.

Lifestyle becomes your destiny.

How can you cultivate more Christ awareness in your daily life, perhaps particularly your thought life?  Verse 7 indicates you already have the foundation.  How does that make you feel? Start with just today.  Don't worry about tomorrow or next week.  How can you begin to build on this foundation that has graciously been laid on your behalf?

THURSDAY:  Colossians 2:8:  Interestingly, Paul was in captivity while writing this letter, yet referred to deceptive philosophy/teaching as the thing that could "capture" us.   The enemy is often characterized as an "angel of light" and tends to be very deceptive and tricky. Pastor Adam suggested the following basic guidelines to put into practice in our lives:  1) Be in the Bible; 2) Be wise and discerning about people you seek counsel from and; 3) Listen to the Holy Spirit in your life.   What might it look like to focus on these basic things and not all the other "sound effects" and "color commentary" the world has to offer?

FRIDAY:  Colossians 2:16-17:  God loves you just as you are, based solely on the performance of Jesus Christ.  There is nothing you can do to make him love you more nor anything you can do to make him love you less.  How does this make you feel?  Do you believe this at your core?  How might this begin to play out in your daily thoughts, actions, habits?   Do you think it might bring more freedom to live into the truth of how you are the "beloved" (a word used throughout Scripture) of Christ?   Remember, it's about JESUS, not about anything you can or cannot do.  Does that make you feel more free?

SATURDAY:  Colossians 2:18-23:  Beware of humble braggers people with false humility. These people try to sound spiritual but are mis-guided.  How can you discern this?  Once again, remember Pastor Adam's recommendation of 1) Being in the Bible; 2) Being wise about the people you seek counsel from; 3) Listening to the Holy Spirit within your own life.   What are the voices that have head space in your life?  How can you fill your mind with more of Jesus today and in the days to come?