Chapter One

This is our first teaching in our new series from Colossians. Pastor Adam suggests taking 1 chapter per week as a reading plan. It's a fabulous book and reading scripture is the "bread of life." It may not seem profound at the time we read it, but God uses it to profoundly change us. His word "does not return void but accomplishes what He desires" within us(Is. 55:11).  It gives us a lens to see life as God created it and as God intended. 

Paul wrote Colossians to the people of  Colossae,  He wrote from Rome from his prison cell where he was placed by the Romans.  Paul was deeply moved in his Spirit when his friend Epaphras ended up in the same prison and told him about the heresies that were being taught in Colossae and all over the world.

INVITATION:  Paul is wrote to the people of Colossae to let them know Jesus is ALL YOU NEED.  It's not about Jesus plus anything else. Our focus needs to be on Jesus Christ. That was true during the time Paul wrote to the Colossians and it is true still today. 

MONDAY: Col. 1:3-6:  Paul was moved when he heard about the people of Colassae and how focused they were on God and the Gospel.  Pastor Adam would like Rockhills to be this type of community, i.e. that people would hear what is going on in our lives and be moved by it.  Is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ transforming your life?  Are you open to it changing your life?  Scripture talks about a "fragrance" of the Holy Spirit?  Is that the fragrance others sense in and around you? 

TUESDAY:  Col. 1:14: The Jewish people tried to attach many extra rules and steps to salvation. Paul wanted to let the people of Colassae know that Jesus IS the step.  Even today it is tempting to shift into a works type of mentality and think we have to DO things for Jesus.  Even if our theology is that Jesus is all, our day in day out life can play out in a different type of practice. Focus on Jesus and Jesus alone helps us SEE more clearly.  Do you let the culture cloud your vision of Jesus?  What might be sneaking into your life and schedule that takes away from the one and only Jesus?  If you have asked Jesus into your life you have been rescued from the "dominion of darkness" as this verse talks about. Are you living from the redemption that Jesus has accomplished?

WEDNESDAY:  Col. 1:15:  Jesus is all you need. Jesus is more than you could ever imagined.  If you approach the Christian life only from what you need (such as:  my children need to be fixed or my marriage needs to get better) this tends to form a form a relationship with Jesus that looks like a "genie in a bottle".  If you focus on Jesus being more than you can imagine before you focus on what your current needs are, you can capture the bigger, awe inspiring message of the Gospel. Jesus was the firstborn of ALL creation. He holds all authority over all that lives, moves and has being.  This has been granted to Jesus and Jesus alone.  Jesus is the image of the invisible God.  This verse and the few following contain several wonderful images of Christ's supremacy. List them using your own words.  Perhaps it would be helpful to choose one and meditate and pray from it today. 

THURSDAY:  Heb. 1:1-4:  Jesus Christ is the son of God! Consider what that means to God. Then consider what that means to you. Notice what God has done through Jesus (spoken, created, sustained and saved). List some of the ways you have experienced this "superior" ministry of Christ in your life.  When you think of awe and beauty, what inspires you?  If you think you need to be awe-inspired by Jesus in a new and refreshing way, how might you begin praying for that? 

FRIDAY:  John 1:18:  To see/experience Jesus is to see/experience God.  This verse indicates God has made himself known.  You are invited to look at your past week. How has God made himself known to you? Many people find this to be a helpful practice on a daily or weekly basis, i.e. looking back and recollecting where they have seen/known/felt close to God?  In fact, our Ten Minutes with God from last week was entirely about this type of "Examen" process.  Perhaps it might be a good spiritual practice for you in this new year?

SATURDAY:  Col 1:16-17 & John 1:1-3 All things have been created through and for Jesus. How might that affect your focus and your attitude today - about people, places and things?  The Church continues to exist to magnify the name of Jesus.  The most powerful nation in the world tried to crush Christianity from the very beginning, yet the Church continues until this very day.  Even the pandemic tried to bring it down.  Churches  sometimes divide, split, disagree, and that has happened all throughout history.  Most often, these divisions occur where Christ does not have supremacy.  That is true in our churches and it is true in our personal lives.  We are guilty of wanting Jesus for our savior, but not the Lord of our life.  How about you?  Are you allowing Jesus to be supreme in your life, your marriage, your work, your finances?  Are you willing to surrender to the supremacy of Jesus? Are you willing to attend and serve at a church who believes and practices the supremacy of Jesus Christ?