The Throne

If you only take one thing away from all the twists and turns in the journey of Joseph's life, Pastor Adam prays it is that God does not waste your pain or your tears.  Ever. In fact, they are often the incubator that prepares us for what God has for us.  Of course, most of us would prefer to skip over those parts of our own stories. But the scripture is clear: suffering has it's purpose. 

Joseph was overlooked. He was ignored. He was unheard. He was unjustly treated. Yet he continued to use his gifting no matter where he was or what his circumstances were.  In the slow work of time, Joseph went from a spoiled child that bragged excessively to his brothers, to being a slave, then a prisoner and ultimately to being prime minister of a powerful country where his wisdom and character had a powerful impact on others.

INVITATION:  Are you waiting around to use your gifts? Where does God have you - - - right now? Wherever it is, He can use you. God cares about availability - - not ability.

MONDAY:  Genesis 41:1-9:  For review, last week Joseph interpreted the dreams of the cup bearer and the baker. He asked them a favor--to tell Pharaoh about him.   Two years passed. Joseph presumably never heard anything. He probably felt forgotten.  Then,  Pharaoh had a couple of dreams and his mind was troubled. After asking for all the magicians and other wise men in Egypt, the chief cupbearer had his memory jogged. He mentioned Joseph to Pharaoh.  Are you in a season of waiting where it seems like "nothing" is going on?  How might you trust God in that today and in the upcoming days, weeks and maybe even years?

TUESDAY:  Genesis 41:10-16:  Pharaoh sent for Joseph. In verse 16 Joseph gives God the credit for interpreting dreams and Joseph's gift regarding that.  Who do you give credit to for your gifting? 

WEDNESDAY:  Genesis 41:17-40:  Pharaoh shared his dream and Joseph not only interpreted it, but he also gave wise advice. The Egyptian culture saw Pharaoh as God, yet Pharaoh obviously saw in Joseph something he needed. He trusted Joseph and gave him a place of honor and high responsibilities.  All this after 13 years of continued hardships.   Considering Joseph had been in a dungeon for many years, where and when do you think Joseph got his wisdom and his gifts? 

THURSDAY: Galatians 5:22-23: The fruits of the spirit are produced in us over time. They are often prepared in the incubator of suffering. Is there an area of trauma or grief or suffering you can turn over to God today? Can you trust HIM with the production of fruit and cease striving yourself?

FRIDAY: Genesis 41:41-57 & Job 13:15:  Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream proved correct just as Joseph had predicted. And Joseph and all of Egypt had food because of Joseph's wisdom and foresight.  There wasn't much Joseph could do in prison, but he could interpret dreams. What gift do you have that you can use today?  What is going on in your life that only God can control? Are you spending time, energy and emotion on things you have no control over? 

SATURDAY: Romans 1:16; Ephesians 2:10 & Phil. 3:12-14: What are the things only The Church can do? Is there an invitation for you regarding that? What are the things only YOU can do? What might God want to do through you? Are you available?