Wait for It

Most of us do not like to wait. Our high technology, instant gratification culture has us living in very entitled ways to expect immediacy from almost everything.  Yet much of life involves waiting. The Christian journey most definitely involves waiting.  How are you at waiting?

The current teaching series is a journey in the life of Joseph. We began learning from him a few weeks ago when Joseph was about age 17.  In this week's study, Joseph is almost 30. During those years, there were moments of God's favor, but for Joseph it had mostly been unexpected and unwelcome twists and turns, and a lot of waiting! During all this, Joseph must have wondered if he might have misunderstood God in his early years when he was told he would have favor.  Was God lying? Did Joseph hear him incorrectly? Can God be trusted?  What questions do you ask in seasons of waiting? Do you begin to doubt God?

Pastor Adam taught about four negative aspects of waiting:  1) cynicism; 2) Self pity; 3) Passivity; and 4) Despair.   In all the years when things seemed to go from bad to worse for Joseph, he remained faithful.   He had four responses to waiting  we can all learn from that were the opposite of the four negative tendencies most people have when waiting. He responded with:  1) Sympathy & empathy for others; 2) Serving others; 3) Being proactive (not passive) and; 4) Not despairing. 

INVITATION: How do we learn to wait well?  How do we respond to God during the seasons of waiting?  What might it look like to "actively" wait in our lives?

MONDAY:  Genesis 40:1-4:  Notice how verse 1 begins with "some time later..."  We do not know how much time it was when the cupbearer and the baker ended up on the wrong side of Pharaoh and were in prison where Joseph also "just happened" to be confined.  As it turns out, the captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph, "and he attended them."  These four verses are replete with how God's timing is not our timing, and that the slow work of God always achieves it's purposes.  In what area of life are you waiting right now? Do these verses help you trust in the slow work of God?  Why or why not?  God is not in a hurry....are you? 

TUESDAY:  Genesis 40: 4b - 8a:  First, notice the wording that "after they had been in custody for SOME TIME..." this scene occurs.  Again, there was a time of waiting and wondering before this scene involving the dreams occurred.  Yet we can see that Joseph's adversity had not stolen his ability to sympathize and empathize.  He noticed their sad faces and asked about it and willingly listened.  As we stay attached to the vine, the Spirit of God in us can keep us sympathetic as opposed to cynical.  What about you?  Have situations in life and relationships turned you cynical as opposed to sympathetic?

WEDNESDAY:  Romans 12:15:  Meeting an emotion with an emotion is sometimes called "emotionally responding." It is the only thing that heals, helps and demonstrates emotional intelligence and sympathy to others.  Often we are tempted to try to fix, change the topic,  criticize or completely ignore when someone shares an emotion.  How are you with weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who rejoice?  Think back on a time when someone met your emotion with an emotion.  How did it feel?  Even Jesus demonstrates this as he wept with Mary and Martha over the death of Lazarus (John 11). He was God. He KNEW he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, yet he met their emotion with his own emotion.  Do you have the sympathy to be able to feel what other people feel?  How might you ask the Holy Spirit for help in that area of your life?

THURSDAY:  Genesis 40:8-13:  In spite of his situation, Joseph served others.  He let God work through him for the benefit of others.  How available are you for others?  What is your attitude  when you find yourself in a season of frustratingly waiting for something? Do you get immersed in self pity or are you still available to serve?

FRIDAY:  Ephesians 1:19-20 & Luke 6:27-28:  How can you tap into the "incredible greatness of God's power" in your life and situation this week?  How might that play out in any season of waiting you may be in?  How can you pray about that today?

SATURDAY:  Genesis 40:14-41:1 & I Peter 3:15:    Joseph managed to not become passive. He stayed ready and was "actively waiting" to see what God might bring his way rather than taking matters into his own hands. When the situation presented itself, he advocated for himself and  asked the cup bearer to remember him (which he doesn't do, so there was even more waiting and injustice).  However, Joseph didn't drown in a sea of despair.  Joseph's hope was not in his circumstances of his timing. It was in God.  Throughout this journey with Joseph, Scripture points out "The Lord was with Joseph."  The Lord is with you, too.  How might you put your hope in that this week?