
There has not been nor will there ever be a time in life when you are separated from God's presence, His purpose or His plan for your life.  You might want to read that statement again. It could be what you read every day this week. It is a truth that is that big and important. God even has purpose in the suffering and pain of life. This is sometimes particularly hard for us Western believers to believe.  This truth affects our entire image of God and how we walk out our entire Christian life.

Our current series on Joseph is a great example of trusting in the omniscient presence of God - at ALL times.  As we go through this sermon series and this study, we will repeatedly hear "The Lord was with Joseph."  It's easy to look at this from a distance and see how it applies to Joseph, but sometimes not as easy to apply this truth in our own present circumstances.  Immanuel.  God with us. It is a promise of God made manifest in Jesus coming into the world as a human being, and then leaving us with the Holy Spirit.  God is with you.  Now.  No matter what may or may not be going on in your life and circumstances. 

INVITATION:  Joseph faced what we all face at some time or another. Things don't go the way we expect, or even the way we thought God had guided us, and we feel alone. We feel like God isn't with us.  What do we do now?  In this week's story we learn from Joseph how to respond when things seem to go from bad to worse. When things truly seem out of control and it is tempting to think God is no longer with us.

Pastor Adam shared vulnerably about the Rockhills building being up for sale. Options seem slim to none. What is next for us? What is the next step?  Sometimes life and direction seems like walking through the fog and we cannot discern or perceive a plan.  It seems like God is playing "hard to get." Pastor Adam shared It is then we can do the next right thing.  Even famous missionary Elizabeth Elliott shared her feeling that discerning God's next step for us seems too hard and vague sometimes. At times, all we can do is simply the "next thing" and hope and pray it's the "next RIGHT thing."  We can, however, trust in the presence of God and stay attached to the vine all the way. We are not alone.

MONDAY:  Genesis 39:1-4:  For review, Joseph's brothers hatched a plan to kill Joseph, but ended up selling him into slavery for a bargain price rather than murder him. Even so, Joseph ended up having favor with Potiphar (who purchased him).  Potiphar had influence and was in charge of all the military officers  If you recall, in earlier chapters God had told Joseph in dreams how others would bow down to him.  Can't you imagine Joseph wondering what had gone wrong? Had God forgotten his words to him? Why was he in slavery, even if his owner (Potiphar) was showing him favor?  Joseph had a choice in how he might respond to all this.  You and I have choices in how we respond to things as well.  As you look ahead at your week, what situations will you be dealing with that you can go into with integrity and character?  How can you pray about that situation today?

TUESDAY:  Isaiah 41:10:  These types of verses always sound good and motivating.  But how can you put this truth into practice this week?  If you have trouble believing it at your deepest level, perhaps you can begin by praying as the father in Mark 9:24, "I believe, help me in my unbelief."  If you do believe it at your deepest level,  how might you pray regarding the elements mentioned:  Fear?  Dismay?  Strength?  Help?  Uphold? 

WEDNESDAY:  Genesis 39:6:  Because of Joseph, Potiphar had no worries and was blessed.  Have you ever considered how God might bless others through and because of your own obedience?

THURSDAY:  Genesis 39:6(b)-9:  Things go even worse for Joseph--more unfair and seemingly out of control. When Joseph was offered a compromise, he chose integrity.  Pastor Adam taught how the original Latin for integrity has to do with WHOLE or COMPLETE.  Will you choose to remain integrated and whole when tempted, or will you crumble and fall into pieces?  What spiritual practices do you have in place in your life that will help strengthen your resolve and integrity when tempted?  Hope and trying harder isn't enough. Things like this require discipline and training in our lives.  How are you training for integrity to be able to say YES to the bigger things in life over the daily temptations?  It is these bigger things that will keep us whole and complete.

FRIDAY:  Genesis 39:10-21:  Pastor Adam offered a practical tool for the temptations that come into life:  A) Focus on blessings; B) Focus on responsibilities.  What are you grateful for? What has God given you?  Who do you not want to let down, bringing disintegration and lack of integrity to not only your own life but also into the lives of others close to you?  What and who are you responsible to and for? If you become disintegrated and fall apart, who else will be damaged? Potiphar's wife grabbed Joseph's coat, which enabled her to make a claim for all to see and drum up an audience. It might be like our current social media.  This situation was all about power and control. How might you be tempted by power and control in your own life and relationships?  Do you allow it to leak out onto social media at times?

Joseph continued trying to do the right thing in prison, even though things seemed to be getting worse and worse.  Even when he couldn't feel or see any blessings, he continued to BE a blessing.  How can you focus on BEING a blessing this week - no matter what situation you may find yourself in?

SATURDAY:  Jeremiah 29:7 & I Peter 2:12:  Where do you feel "in exile" right now?  Where might integrity be getting "fuzzy" and not in clear view?  How might you CHOOSE to leave behind temptations and "live properly" and with integrity this week?