Psalm 78

“We spend thousands of dollars straightening children’s teeth, but we stand by as they develop crooked hearts and twisted lives.”

Pastor David Sanchez brought some powerful and clear words from Psalm 78 today about our (collectively, but a word to parents in general and specifically fathers) responsibility for our children. Are you paying attention to their hearts? It all starts with paying attention to your own heart. Are you tending your own spiritual life? Neutrality about passing on our faith is

a form of belief (or disbelief) and we should not be surprised if our kids then end up being ambivalent (and neutral) about church, God and the things of the Bible. David suggested neutrality isn't an option. The truth of God needs to be passed on from generation to generation. Consider what Proverbs 22:6 has to say about this topic: “Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life.”

INVITATION: David mentioned these three ways the verses from Psalm 78 encourage the passing on the truth of God: 1) praiseworthy deeds; 2) power; 3) wonders. Jeremiah 6:16 tells us to "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.........but you said, "We will not walk in it."

Are you walking on the "ancient path" and finding rest? Are you passing it along to the next generation? Or, are you saying (by words or perhaps by neutrality): "I will not walk in it."

MONDAY: Psalm 78:1-8. This Psalm is considered a wisdom Psalm. It calls on us to remember the Israelites history. In this day/time it was all oral tradition. Stories were passed down. The victories, but also the failures. At our deepest level, we all want to know and be known. Christian Psychiatrist Curt Thompson says, "underneath all our longings is the desire to be known..." Do you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable enough to be known by God and others? Do you value making others - particularly your kids - feel known?

TUESDAY: Psalm 78:1: "Listen to the words of my mouth." Do you listen to God? How do you turn off background noise to hear the voice of God? How might you put that into practice this week?

WEDNESDAY: Psalm 78:2: A parable is a common experience of life used to teach a spiritual truth. Read Matthew 13:10-13. For those belonging to Christ, the parables are not simply cute or interesting stories. They are spiritually discerned and used for certain eyes to see and ears to hear. How is your spiritual sight and hearing these days? Do you need to strengthen those "muscles" to better be able to commune with the Holy Spirit in you as you go through life and read Scripture?

THURSDAY: Psalm 78:3-4 & Deut. 6:6-7: It is our responsibility not to hide our story of faith. I Peter 3:15 states to "be prepared to give an answer and the reason for your hope." You are invited to ask God for an opportunity to do just that this week. It doesn't have to be an hour long sermon or doctrinally astute dissertation. How has God worked in YOUR life recently? How did you come to faith in Jesus? Are you ready and prepared to tell others about that? Don't worry about outcome. That is up to God. We may never know outcome this side of heaven. Do you have the courage to take a step of faith regarding not hiding your story of faith?

FRIDAY: Psalm 78:5-6: Have your children forgotten the deeds of Christ? Have YOU forgotten the deeds of Christ? It's never too late. God longs to walk with you and talk with you. But similar to any other relationship in life, it takes time and attention. How might you begin anew to walk and talk with God? Come as you are - Jesus cares more about heart and attitude than action. Pastor David pointed out the life of David and his "heart after God's own heart." That.....even after the mess David made of his own life and the lives of others. Where is your heart and attitude right now regarding the things of God? Is there an invitation from God in all this?

SATURDAY: Psalm 78:7-8: The Israelites were "stubborn and rebellious." They relied on their own autonomy - - even with all that God did for them and showed them. If parents do their job and instill a curiosity and love for the things of God, the children have a much greater chance of carrying the torch on to future generations. Verse 8 talks about "spirits that were not faithful to him." How is your spirit these days? What is it tending to?