Psalm 107

Psalm 107 is a Jewish song that tells several stories of redemption. These types of stories/songs move us from a place of despair to hope. 

Pastor Adam told the story of Charles Coleson.  He was known as the "hatchet man" for President Nixon and would walk over anyone - including family - for the sake of his position/power/reputation. After the fiasco of Watergate when he knew he was facing prison time, he read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis and became a believer. He was a changed man, yet few believed him because they assumed he was attempting to avoid a prison term. To everyone's surprise, he plead guilty. Through serving his prison term and his story of redemption, he founded Prison Fellowshipwhich is still changing lives in many ways and in many countries.

What is your redemption story? Jesus has paid your debt and set you free. Grace, mercy and love is available.  Are you ready to receive it? 

INVITATION:  The first few verses of Psalm 107 provide enough biblical truth to camp out on for days or weeks. Maybe even years:  "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures for ever."  How has God's love and mercy been a part of your story of redemption?  This week we look at four stories. Each one is emphasized below in the underlined portion. Which do you most identify with?

MONDAY:  Psalm 107:1-3:  God's love and mercy redeems. How have you been redeemed by God? What in your life has seemed like despair but moved into an area of hope?

TUESDAY:  God's goodness and love endures when we wander and are off track.   Psalm 107:4-9:  These verses refer to when the Israelites wandered in the desert. They were literally lost, and sometimes lost in terms of life itself.  Yet in His timing, God led them out.  God doesn't give us an obstacle course. He leads us "by a straight way" (verse 7).  Is it possible God is inviting you to a straight way and you are choosing otherwise?

WEDNESDAY:  God's goodness and love endures even when we are in a dark place. Pastor Adam reminded us how a little compromise can turn into a huge compromise.  Sin has a snowball effect. In these verses we see they ''rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High."  In the first story (from Tuesday), the being lost was an accident. In this story there is some conscious choices involved. Psalm 107:10-16.  THEN they cry out and chains are broken. Is there an invitation in your life today to cease sitting in a dark place and to cry out to God?

THURSDAY: God's goodness and love endures even when dealing with our past. Psalm107:17-22: Pastor Adam cited this quotation (unknown source): "If you could kick the person most responsible for your pain and trouble in the backside, you wouldn't be able to sit down for two weeks." Scripture talks about being willing and able to look at the "log" in your own eye and not just the "speck" in another person's eye.  Do you need to get honest with God today about things from your past and how they might be affecting you and your relationships?

FRIDAY: God's goodness and love endures even when we are caught in a storm. Psalm 107:23-42.  Storms in life are great equalizers. How are you when journeying through life's storms? Are you in one right now?  How might you cry out to God?  He IS with you.....even in the storm.

SATURDAY:  Col. 1:13-14:  You are invited to create some time and space to consider how God has rescued you from darkness into light. Scripture is full of invitations to "remember."  Journal or pray through times of remembering God's redemption stories in your life.