Psalm 63

The Psalms can be thought of as an early "playlist" of songs and poems. Some are happy, others frustrated. They include songs of lament, praise, worship, etc. The Psalms cover most of what life can throw at us.

We don't know a lot about the "story" behind many of the Psalms. However, today's Psalm (63) is one we DO have a background snapshot for.  The "back story" brings more depth and meaning to the Psalm. I don't know about you, but it makes it more inspirational and motivating for me and my life seeking to follow after God to know the back story of this Psalm.

Psalm 63 was penned by David when he was running for his life and in exile. He was escaping from either King Saul - whom he had devoted his life to-or his own son, Absalom. Either way, sit for a period of time and imagine what it must have felt like to be betrayed by such meaningful and important people in your life. Can you imagine how confused, frustrated and distraught David must have been?

INVITATION:     This week you are invited into considering where you find your meaning and satisfaction in life.  Many people - even believers - are living a life of constant dissatisfaction because of hearts that are in competition with God. Have you surrendered your entire heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Where is your commitment, trust and love directed these days?  Is it divided between God and other things?

Suggested Prayer:  Lord, I welcome you to speak into my heart. Would you use this Psalm to impart life to my soul this week?

MONDAY:  Psalm 63.  Read this entire Psalm (11 verses) slowly and consider reading it out loud.  What resonates with you this day?  Consider that a personal word from the Holy Spirit speaking through God's Word.  What might God have for you in these words or phrases? Is there an invitation?

TUESDAY:  Pastor Adam spoke about some things satisfaction is NOT:  1) Easy; 2) All goes your way; 3) Perfection; 4) A feeling.  Read John 16:33.  Could you be caught in the never ending (and untrue) trap of thinking if things were easy, then you would be satisfied?  Read James 1:2.  How might this verse help shift your mindset?  What can you be grateful for and give praise for today even though it might be worrisome or hard? 

WEDNESDAY:  Pastor Adam also spoke about some things satisfaction IS.  You are invited to read Psalm 63 again to see the rhythm.  Satisfaction IS a process as we journey with Jesus. Sometimes it ebbs and flows, and sometimes we even have the tension of holding the "both/and" of feeling satisfaction...even in the midst of our dissatisfaction.   True satisfaction is found in God alone.  What about you? Do you find yourself at a place where you believe IN God, but are not drawing closer and finding satisfaction in life?  Could sin, compromise, laziness, disillusionment or idols of the world be crowding out God and satisfaction?

THURSDAY: Mark 10:20-22 & Romans 12:1-2:   The rich young ruler had it all. Similar to Pastor Adam's example of the rich and successful Rolling Stone (who wrote/sang "I can't get no satisfaction"), they still found deep satisfaction elusive. Where do your pursuits, longings and focus point?   What one change can you make regarding that this week?  How might you use the Romans verses as a prayer?

FRIDAY:  2 Peter 1:3-10:  You have everything you need to "participate in the divine nature" and have deep satisfaction.  Jesus came to bring abundant life, but the evil one lives to "steal, kill and destroy."   Has this made the long journey from your head to your heart yet?  Are you living out a life of knowing all this intellectually, but not living it out?  These verses can seem overwhelming, but how might you begin an apprenticeship with Jesus this week....just one small change?  Apprenticeship is sometimes more clear than "disciple."  How can you walk with and learn from Jesus today?  What about tomorrow?  What about the next day?  Small changes can make big differences over time.  Are  you being invited to any special form of apprenticeship this week?  Matthew 11:28-30 even invites us to "watch and see how Jesus does it."  How can you watch and see and then emulate this week?

SATURDAY:  James 4:7-8:  What might it look like each morning to "submit yourself, then, to God?"   Might that be your first step toward apprenticeship?  What spiritual practices are so essential to your relationship w/ Jesus, your following of Jesus, and your formation by Jesus, that they are like breathing to your body?  If you don't have any, perhaps that is something you could ask Jesus about?