Psalm 139

This week's Psalm is one of the most beloved. It gives us a view of not only who God is, but also how God sees us and how we are to respond to the knowledge we glean from the Psalm.  Scripture tells us (ICor. 8:1) that  "knowledge puffs up..." so to have the knowledge of what this Psalm says is not enough.  We need to have a response to it. 

The rhythm of Psalm 139 is as follows:  1) The knowledge of God; 2) The presence of God; 3) The love of God; 4) The complexity of God. 

INVITATION:  You are invited to pray though and consider YOUR response in each of these rhythms within Psalm 139. Are you willing to be open to what invitations God might bring your way this week?

MONDAY:  Psalm 139:1-6 & Hebrews 4:13:  Nothing is hidden from God. He knows and sees it all.  How do you feel about this? Does it bring a sense of peace and comfort, or discomfort?  Our response to this should be honesty and freedom.  God ALREADY knows so why should we try to hide or fake it?  Are you trying to deny things - maybe even to yourself? Typically that only leads to avoiding encountering God by avoiding prayer, avoiding being in scripture and avoiding being around Godly influences.  Is that happening in your life?  What would it look like to be completely honest with God today and this week?  Remember, He already knows.

TUESDAY:  Psalm 139:7-12 & James 4:8:  God is always with us, no matter where we go or what we are doing.  Our response is to lean into God and not just know this intellectually.  The James verse tells us to draw close to God. How might you draw close to God today? 

WEDNESDAY:  Hebrews 4:14-16:  We can approach God boldly because it has NOTHING to do with how "good" we are. Sin tries to separate us from the presence of God, which is exactly what trying to hide does, i.e. it separates us from God.   How can you die to trying to be "good enough" and instead, leave it all up to God?  Jesus finished the work on the cross. 

THURSDAY:  Psalm 139:13-18:  God knows you through and through. He loves you no matter what and He longs to be close to you. His love is bigger than your secrets or mistakes.  How can you respond by accepting this truth today?   Read Ephesians 3:18-19 and Romans 8:31-39.  NOTHING can separate you from God's love.  Can you believe that and live into that truth today and this week? 

FRIDAY:  Psalm 139:19-22:  After all these lovely sentiments about love and presence, we encountner this rather harsh sounding section. Though God's love is beautiful and true, the world and its sin and sorrow still exist.  However, this is not our TRUE home.  Our response in this complex and confusing world is to trust.  What is going on in the world or your world right now that you can hand over to God? 

SATURDAY:  Psalm 139:23-24:  Consider taking these beautiful verses into the coming days as a prayer.  Perhaps even make it into a breath prayer:  Inhale, "Search me and know my heart."  Exhale:  "Lead me in the way everlasting."