Psalm 95

All kinds of emotions are expressed in the Psalms, yet they are all worship songs. However, worship is not just music and singing. It encompasses everything: silence, solitude, scripture, etc. In fact, our entire lives should be worship. When have you experienced particularly worshipful times with the Lord? Did it involve music or singing? What body position do you find helpful for worship? Kneeling? standing, bowing, perhaps hands in the air?

INVITATION:  In this week's Psalm we worship because God is the creator and because He is our Father.  We are warned to guard our hearts (unlike the Israelites of old), and ultimately we find rest.

MONDAY:  Psalm 95:1-5 God is not limited by anything we lack nor by  our finite views.  He is all powerful and all knowing. When we grasp the perspective of all God is, how can we NOT worship?   How can you participate in worship today?

TUESDAY: Genesis 1:1; Nehemiah 9:6; Isaiah 66:2; Revelation 4:11: Today you are invited into other verses regarding our image of God and his all encompassing majesty. Spend some time today simply soaking in these truths. Do you have a small image of God?

WEDNESDAY: Psalm 95:6-7: Even though God is all powerful, he is still a tender Father. He cares for you and you matter to Him. As you consider God's all knowing and powerful nature still being loving and tender toward you, how does that make you want to worship today?

THURSDAY: Psalm 103:13; Proverbs 3:11-12; I John 3:1: Which of these verses speaks to your heart today regarding God's love and care for you? Do you have any resistance toward any of these verses? Perhaps you can explore that with God today. He works through our resistance just as much as our worship. Be open and vulnerable with Jesus today about these verses and how they make you feel.

FRIDAY:  Psalm 95: 7-10:  These verses warn us to keep our hearts guarded. It's easy to look back on the Israelites wandering through the desert and wonder why they didn't do what they were told to do. It all seemed easy and obvious as we read the Old Testament accounts.  Yet our hearts are easily swayed and distracted just as theirs were. As King Solomon says, "There's nothing new under the sun."  (Ecc. 1:9)  Where is your "treasure?"  Our sin nature and satan work to separate us from God.  Is there something in your life that is keeping your intentions and focus on things other than God?  The first things to go when we don't guard our hearts are singing, worship and giving.  How are those things in your life and schedule right now?

SATURDAY: Psalm 95:11: When these rhythms of worship are not in our life, we separate ourselves from God's refreshment. Jesus is our rest and our sabbath. How can you implement that into your day and your week?