Mother's Day

This week’s Ten Minutes with God is a May 10, 2020 repost.

Mother's Day can often be a trigger in some people’s lives. That can make celebrating the day an awkward or even painful event in some peoples lives. Of course there is much to be celebrated about mothers and motherhood - - even if you’re NOT the actual birth mother of any children. Author Ann Voskamp wrote:  "you don’t have to birth someone to birth hope in someone.  When you are a fountain of love your offspring is everywhere and you're mothering and watering souls wherever you go.”

Thank you to some special women of Rockhills Church who shared today from some deep and vulnerable places in their lives and souls. They watered souls in their willingness to tell their stories. May God continue to use their stories to help heal and encourage. If you missed the service, you might make a point to watch it HERE.  You won’t be sorry! 

Tiffany Harris shared some wise words for parenting. Constanza Roeder shared how her cancer journey rendered her unable to conceive and what God is currently weaving together in their lives. Step Rowe vulnerably shared about losing a child at birth. Megan DeYoung shared about losing her mother unexpectedly. Lastly, Janet Wilhelm shared about parenting adult children and grand parenting.  These vulnerable stories are powerful testimonies to how God is still in the business of making beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3) and about his faithfulness in our lives. 

INVITATION:  Both motherhood and Mother's Day can have pain associated with them, but God is faithful. The stories shared today bear witness to that truth. May you be encouraged by watching the service and by the scriptures shared from the these brave women. God is continuing to write YOUR story. How are you participating with Him in the continuation of your life story? How do you listen to your life and listen to your story in the presence of God?  Watch the service and participate in these verses and see how God may want to whisper into your heart and life this week. 

MONDAY:  Galations 5:22-26:  What is known as “the fruits of the spirit” are by products of living in faith and walking with God. The women in today’s service by no means have all things figured out and tied in a pretty red bow. They shared from their struggles, their pain and the messiness of life. Some of it is still ongoing. They don’t pretend to have it all together. However, they also shared about learning to lean hard into God during the tough times and how God is weaving together the tapestry of their life stories. How can you be more aware of “living by the spirit” in your daily life this week? 

TUESDAY: Galations 6:9:  Tiffany Harris shared some practical words about kids not needing a perfect mom. Some things she mentioned they DO need are:  to be heard, to be prayed for, to be hugged, consistency, fighting FOR them and not WITH them, and a few others. She shared this verse that has been an encouragement to her over the years as confidence that it is GOD who works all things together in your kids lives. Parents gather the kindling, but God lights the fire in their lives.  How might that take the pressure off of you today? Are you trying to do God’s job for him?  Do you pray for your children (birth or otherwise) regularly? 

WEDNESDAY: Isaiah 54:1-7:  Stanzy Roeder shared these verses that were God’s special words for her as she and Jeff struggled in their fertility journey.  From these verses she “birthed” her amazing non-profit Hearts Need Art. which is taking San Antonio by storm, and is now venturing beyond the boundaries of just San Antonio. As you read and reflect on these verses, does God have a special word for you?  Perhaps about childlessness, or perhaps about “birthing” something in your own life?  You are encouraged once again to view the service online to share in the  incredible miracle of God and God’s timing in Stanzy and Jeff’s life and journey. Even the fact Pastor Adam asked her to share on this Mother's Day weaves into this amazing story! 

THURSDAY:  Isaiah 55:13:  Is there something in your life and situation right now that could actually be “for the Lord’s renown” as opposed to for what your limited earthly vision might see at this time and place?  How can you pray about that today?

FRIDAY:  Matthew 5:4: Megan DeYoung shared from her heart how she experienced comfort from the Lord in very personal and tangible ways after her mother unexpectedly died.  Megan grew up knowing this verse, but is grateful for God’s provision as she mourned, and continues to mourn. Mothers Day is a day that is often difficult for Megan, but God’s comfort has been consistent. Is there something in your life that might need to be mourned? Maybe you have even stuffed it and tried to push away the feelings of grief? Maybe its even the situation we find ourselves in today - - the pandemic. Is there grief and mourning you may need to bring into the Lord’s presence today or this week? 

SATURDAY:  Proverbs 14:1: Janet Wilhelm talked about how a parent to adult children is like a “mentor in waiting.” She spoke of how you must have eyes to see and ears to hear how to build up, but not tear down.  How can you make “building up” a regular practice - perhaps even a spiritual practice - in your home? Are you willing to ask the Lord to show you how you might be “tearing down” within your home?