You are Secure

We continue this week in our study on "Identity" from Ephesians.  Ephesians was written by Paul when he was under arrest in Rome.  The first century believers endured much fear and hardship when they chose to follow Christ. It was a major decision and was not taken lightly. It could easily result in losing people and relationships in your life, losing or damaging a business or even losing your life.  Have you ever taken the time to imagine what it would be like to feel such fear because of your relationship with Christ? Have you ever lost anything for the cause of Christ? In the United States today, we sometimes choose to miss church and meeting together because it's raining. The first century believers chose to meet together even though it could jeopardize their very lives. 

Pastor Adam has repeatedly stressed that if we see ourselves the way God sees us, it changes everything.  Are you following along in Ephesians with us?  Are you marinating in how loved and accepted your are? Are you beginning to believe it more?  Talking about it and actually believing it are VERY different things. It's easy to shrug this type of teaching off, especially if we've heard "Jesus loves me, this I know...." our entire life.  But do you REALLY believe it and live it out?

INVITATION:      This week we will focus on the security we can experience because of Christ.  We are secure because we are wanted and we are valued.  All too often we determine how secure we are by how things seem to be going in our lives.  We try to accumulate money, friends, cars, jobs, etc.  Those things can end up determining how secure we may or may not feel. The big question is:  do these thing own you, or do you own them?  All the things we tend to cling to for security make fine slaves but terrible masters. All too often, they end up mastering us. We never intend for them to, but satan has a way of twisting even our best intentions and turning them into what is sometimes called "disordered attachments." These types of false securities can be wiped out in a day....or even in an hour.  They are NOT true security.  Where is your security being placed?  Pastor Adam pointed out three reasons why you can be secure. This week we will dive into these:  1) You have God's inheritance; 2) You have God's Spirit; and, 3) You have God's guarantee.

MONDAY:  Ephesians 1:9-10:  We looked at these verses two weeks ago but they are worth re-visiting. These verses give the reason to know who you are and whose you are.  Nothing you can do or will do and nothing you have done can change your identity in Christ.  What might be your resistance toward claiming your true identity in Christ?  Is shame speaking into your life?  How might you to bring that to the foot of the cross today?

TUESDAY:  Ephesians 1:11-12 & Exodus 34:9 :  You have God's inheritance when you are a believer. God chose you before the beginning of time. Before your sins and mistakes. God's plan and purpose existed since the time of Abraham. Inheritance had much more significance in Biblical times than it has today.  You are invited to take some time in silence and pray/contemplate that you have an inheritance because you are a member of the family of God. How does that make you feel? Consider asking the Holy Spirit what He may want to have you know about that truth. 

WEDNESDAY:  Ephesians 1:12-13:  We have God's Spirit.  God has sealed and identified us with the same Holy Spirit that is in Jesus Christ.  We are stamped and sealed with the Holy Spirit when we become believers.  How might you live into this truth today?  Are you forgetting the presence of the Holy Spirit in your daily life?

THURSDAY:  Romans 5:6:  Without Christ, we are helpless to be what God intends.  How do you feel when the word "helpless" is used to describe you?  Do you resist it?  How might you pray about that today?

FRIDAY:  2 Corinthians 12:9:  Have you ever thought to boast about your weakness?  Have you ever considered leaning into it rather than fighting it?

SATURDAY:  Ephesians 1:14  You and I have God's guarantee. God's presence in you guarantees ALL his promises. Where are you struggling to trust God?  What promise might you look back on and begin to claim today?  Have you tried to take control of your own security and ended up living in fear and insecurity?