Make Changes

Enclothed cognition is a psychological phenomenon where the symbolic significance of clothes affects the cognitive functions.  Pastor Adam showed a video about Union Gospel Mission.  Part of what they do is provide physical make overs which include haircuts and new clothes.  It can change the way a person thinks about themselves.  It has even been shown to improve memory functioning. 

In this weeks teaching from Ephesians, Paul uses some verbiage about clothing.  He speaks about what we are to put on and what we need to take off.  A prestigious piece of clothing of the day was a toga.  Every day citizens were not allowed to wear a toga.  There were different togas and belts that indicated different status levels.  Slaves only got a tunic. 

INVITATION:  Chapter 4 of Ephesians encourages us to take off our "slave clothes" and put on the garments indicating we are the heirs of the Kingdom of God. We are the beloved of the most high. What clothes are you wearing?  Do you sometimes try to put your royal clothes (toga) OVER your tunic (slave clothes), or are you fully donning the clothing of someone bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ?  How you see yourself matters.  It can profoundly change your life and your relationships.  Do you need to let go of some of the "clothing" you have been wearing?

MONDAY:  EPHESIANS 4:17-19:  Pastor Adam spoke about how many people live a life insensitive to God while they look for answers and meaning everywhere else.  Unfortunately this is true of believers as well as non believers.  Have you made a commitment to God, but are still living a daily life that is insensitive to God?  True followers of Jesus Christ are apprentices....not just Christians by name.  They desire and seek to look and behave like Jesus. They seek Him out for guidance and instruction in all things.  Does that describe you?  If not, how might you talk with Jesus about that today? 

TUESDAY:  Ephesians 4:20-24:  All these verses (yesterday and today) have to do with how we think, understand, learn, are taught and what's in and on our minds.  In our culture, everything around us tells us how we should think and interpret.  Billboards, texts, messages, mail, social media, television, etc. What you read, what you see, what you hear. It comes at us from all angles and  we are constantly exposed to messages other than God's.  Pastor Adam mentioned "our thoughts are the clothes our soul wears."   What is influencing your thinking?  Are you intentional and mindful about what goes into your mind?  What clothes are your soul wearing?

Thoughts become actions.

Actions become habits.

Habits become a lifestyle.

Lifestyle becomes a destiny. 

Do you need to make any adjustments about what is feeding your mind?  The Holy Spirit is called "The Helper" for a reason.  Go to Him today and ask for help. You are not alone.

WEDNESDAY:  Ephesians 4:25:  Replace pretense with authenticity.  Are you ready to put off lies and put on truth?   This speaks more to living a lie than to not speaking the truth (as important as that is).  How can you be REAL this week when you are tempted to be inauthentic? 

THURSDAY:  Ephesians 4:26-27:  Replace grudges with grace.  Do you sometimes use anger to fuel revenge?  Anger WILL happen in life, but will you allow it to take root within your heart?  Do you feed it?  Pray today for God to show you someone to forgive that you resent.  Will you take the step of obedience and forgive them?  Keep in mind forgiveness is a process, but it DOES have a starting point.  Make today a starting point as your let go of some anger and revenge by forgiveness. 

FRIDAY:  Ephesians 4:28:  Replace stealing with generosity.  Maybe you don't actually steal as a thief does, but are you stealing time, attention, resources or relationships somehow?  How can you use what you have been given for others?  Are you willing to pray about giving to someone in need this week and then following the lead of the Holy Spirit? 

SATURDAY:  Ephesians 4:29-30:  Replace words that harm with words that heal.  Soak in the truth that you are loved, whole, accepted and an heir, and begin to speak life giving words (notes, texts, etc.) to others.  How can you send encouraging messages to others this week?   All these may seem like little things, but they add up and are huge in the Christian life.  We can actually make God sad by the way we live, and it's not just about the "big" things that seem to make a huge difference.  All these suggestions are small adjustments that can actually begin to create new neuro pathways in your brain and change you from the inside out to live a more Christ like life.  Could you be making God sad by wearing the wrong clothes?