The Self-Destruct Button

What are your self destructive hot buttons?

The first four chapters of Ephesians have been deep and wonderful. We are loved, chosen, and we were created with a purpose and a mission. This is all well and good until things fall apart. Then what happens? Perhaps you try to lean into Jesus and pray, but we are all prone to self medication techniques and coping mechanisms. If those are done often enough, they can easily become full blown addictions.

Another common way we can get into self destructive habits is by "rewarding" ourselves. It was a hard day today, so I deserve (fill in the blank).

Talking about and studying self destructive habits are fine for most people - when we are talking about someone else. This week, however, you are invited to get serious with the Holy Spirit about things in your own life that may have started out okay, but may have turned into a self destructive habit. This week is NOT for judgment or condemnation or shame, but for freedom in Christ. Keep in mind Romans 8:1: "There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus..." Are you ready for freedom in your life and relationships?

INVITATION: People don't like to talk about, or hear the word "sin" anymore. Our culture has attempted to wipe it out of our vocabulary. Is that true in your life and vocabulary? Are you more concerned about what the culture teaches or what the Bible teaches? Before you begin this week, are you willing to pray for the Holy Spirit to "search you and know your heart" (Psalm 139)? Some theologians call what we will study this week "disordered attachments." Are you open and willing to become curious with Jesus about any such attachments in your life, i.e. things you may be putting before and above Jesus Christ? These can even be about things God has given us to enjoy in life, but somehow we have allowed them to become "disordered attachments." An example might be food. Or exercise. Any way you look at it or anything you call it, hot buttons, disordered attachments and destructive habits can be sins. Are you willing to be honest with yourself in the light of Jesus Christ this week?

MONDAY: Ephesians 5:1: Imitate God. Do you seek to imitate God in your life? There seems to be two threads of Christianity in our culture these days: cultural Christians, and Christians who seek to be true apprentices/students of Jesus Christ and do what He does and imitate Him. Which are you? Do you have a DESIRE to imitate God? If not, have you ever thought to begin praying for that desire in your life? The Holy Spirit can change even your desires!

TUESDAY: Ephesians 5:2: A major theme here is love. It is an oft used word that we sometimes discount and assume we already "know" about. But have you ever thought about spending extended time, and maybe even seasons of your life basking in how deeply loved you are? Until you know that at the deepest levels, you will not be able to love as Jesus teaches. How can you "live a life of love as Jesus loves" if you've never realized how Jesus has loved you? Might there be an invitation into planting and growing in the love of Jesus? Most of us know "Jesus loves me, this I know" but have you experienced it and do you LIVE that way? Hearts are changed not by information alone, but by experience. Have you allowed yourself to truly experience and bask in the deep love of Jesus Christ for YOU?

WEDNESDAY: Ephesians 5:3: In our culture, it is trendy to abuse intimate relationships and become greedy and entitled about that. This verse also warns against greed in other areas of life: the lust for more, more, more. Never enough. Entitlement. How is your heart regarding these areas? How is your heart regarding intimate relationships?

THURSDAY: Ephesians 5:4: This verse warns against abusing speech. Do you mis-use speech to impress or perhaps to get laughs or to fit in? This verse advises to not just have a filter, but to stay away from it! How is your heart stance regarding the way you speak/talk to others? Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit about your speech?

FRIDAY: Ephesians 5:6-7: There's nothing new under the sun (King Solomon). People during the Bible times and people today always try to justify their "pet sin." This includes church leaders. What about you? Is there a "hot button" in your life that you rationalize, justify and defend?

SATURDAY: Ephesians 5:8-20: Pastor Adam left us with tangible ways to replace self destructive habits with Godly habits:

Verses 8-12: Remember who you are and stay in the light.

Verses 13-14: Reveal your struggle to appropriate others. A good slogan in recovery groups is "You're only as sick as your secrets." Are you in denial and do you need to bring things out into the open for accountability, love and help? Who might you meet with? Perhaps this is an area to take into prayer?

Verses 15-19: Refocus your purpose. Sin is a waste of time, purpose and relationships. Don't be foolish. Are you wasting time with destructive habits (sins)?

Verse 20: Refuel with gratitude. Is there an invitation in your life to begin a practice of gratitude? Circling back to an earlier theme this week: what might it look like to replace areas of entitlement with gratitude?